International agreements

Chile has signed various treaties with other countries and has subscribed to various international agreements and conventions, which in many cases contain important legal frameworks or content directly related to the immigration situation. Below we present all of those that may be of interest.

Residence agreement between Mercosur Member States, Bolivia and Chile

Within the framework of the “Montevideo Declaration regarding the Agreement on Residence for Nationals of the States Parties of Mercosur, Bolivia, and Chile”, as of 12-04-09 nationals of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, Residencia Temporal permits will be granted to those who meet the requirements established in the principle of international reciprocity.

Working Holiday agreements and similar programs in Chile

The Working Holiday agreements result from a bilateral agreement between countries and allow the foreigner who requests it to live and work in Chile for a limited period of time.

To read the requirements and where to apply, review the Residencia Temporal permit for people covered by international agreements.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum - APEC Card (ABTC)

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is one of the most important international forums for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade, and investment in the Asia Pacific region.

The 21 countries that make up the Forum and allow the use of the Tarjeta de Viaje para Personas de Negocios (ABTC, Business Travel Card) are:

  • Australia;
  • Brunei Darussalam;
  • Canada;
  • Chile;
  • People’s Republic of China;
  • Hong Kong, China;
  • Indonesia;
  • Japan;
  • Republic of Korea;
  • Malaysia;
  • Mexico;
  • New Zealand;
  • Papua New Guinea;
  • Peru;
  • Republic of the Philippines;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Singapore;
  • China Taipei;
  • Kingdom of Thailand;
  • United States of America;
  • Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

ABTC - APEC Business Travel CardThis card can be requested in Chile by business persons who have Chilean citizenship or foreigners who have been granted Chilean citizenship, through the Business Associations that collaborate with the Government in this process, even if they are not members of these. These organizations will forward the application and background of the interested applicant to the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG), which will be in charge of processing it for the other economies participating in the system.
  1. To be Chilean.
  2. Possess a valid Chilean passport, ordinary or official.
  3. Not to have been prosecuted or convicted for offenses that the law qualifies as a felony or misdemeanor.
  4. Be a business person, i.e., engaged in or related to the trade of goods, the rendering of services, or the conduct of productive economic, financial, or investment activities, and who is required to travel for short periods within the Asia Pacific region for these purposes; or
  5. To be a government official, performing functions related to APEC Forum activities.
  6. Not to have a negative commercial record.

To make short-term business trips to countries in the Asia-Pacific region that are members of APEC, without the need for a visa. In addition, ABTC holders can use the special entry and exit lanes at the main airports of APEC member countries.

  1. You can download the form application by clicking on the following button::
  2. Complete the Virtual ABTC Application using a text editor such as Microsoft Word, then print it and put your signature inside the box.
  3. Color photograph, passport size (4 x 4 cm.)
  4. Photocopy of valid passport when applying for the card.
  5. Certificado de antecedentes (Criminal record certificate) for special purposes issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación. This document must be updated as of the date of submission.
  6. Business persons must submit the following documents:
    • Certificate issued by any of the business associations that collaborate with the Government in the process of qualification of business persons for these purposes, in which this is confirmed; or the documentation that allows certifying it.
    • Proof of payment of the ABTC at the respective participating chamber or association.
  7. In the case of government officials related to APEC activities, they must certify such status through a certificate issued by the Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (SUBREI, Agency of International Economic Relations, formerly DIRECON), of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ABTC application for business persons is submitted to the business associations participating in this system:

In the case of government officials involved in APEC activities, they should make their requests through the Subsecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales (SUBREI, Agency of International Economic Relations, formerly DIRECON), of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Remember to apply for your extension in advance!

To expedite your process, please apply for an extension of your APEC card six months before its expiration date.

The documents required are the same as in the first application and are submitted to the corresponding business associations.

The Ministry of the Interior and Public Safety does not charge for the APEC Card. The Business Associations in charge of processing the card charge an administrative fee of approximately US$100 for the issuance of the business person's certificate, which is a requirement to apply for the benefit.

The card is valid for the duration of the holder's passport, with a maximum of five years from the date of issue of the ABTC. If the applicant's passport expires earlier, the validity of the card will correspond to that term.

The period of stay allowed in the countries that are members of the ABTC system is as follows:

CountryPeriod of stayCountryPeriod of stay
Australia90 daysNew Zealand90 days
Brunei90 daysPapua New Guinea60 days
Korea90 daysPeru90 days
Philippines59 daysPeople's Republic of China60 days
Hong Kong60 daysRussian Federation60 days
Indonesia60 daysSingapore60 days
Japan90 daysTaiwan90 days
Malaysia60 daysThailand90 days
Mexico90 daysVietnam60 days

Important information about the U.S. and Canada

The United States of America and Canada are transitional members of the APEC card system, which means that they do not exempt cardholders from visa applications, however, cardholders may use the priority immigration lines at their major international airports.

Approval from the United States and Canada is not required for this benefit, but approval from Australia is necessary.

The APEC card application is reviewed by SERMIG to determine if the required documents are attached and if the above requirements are met. The application is then sent to each of the economies that are part of this system, which is approved or refused by the competent immigration authority in each one of them, which reserves the right to reject an application without stating the reason.

The Chilean immigration authority does not interfere in the approval of APEC card applications of our nationals by the other immigration authorities of each of the member countries of the APEC card system. The immigration authorities resolve such applications following their current immigration regulations and reserve the right to refuse an application without cause.

It takes approximately two months. After the respective analysis, Chile approves and automatically the APEC platform will send an email to the applicant indicating how to access the ABTC App and download the Virtual Card.

Virtual Card

As of June 1, 2020, the change from Physical to Virtual Card was made, therefore users can download their virtual card directly to their cell phone once Chile has approved their APEC application.

It should be noted that the change of card has meant greater ease of travel for businessmen, although always taking into consideration that other economies take time to analyze and approve the application.

This alternative allows you to resolve your application in a shorter period of time, choosing a maximum of five (5) economies for the approval of your APEC card. The card is issued virtually after Chile gives its approval, which is subsequent to the analysis and approval by the chosen economies.

This does not prevent the card's coverage from being extended to more member countries at a later date, a situation that the individual can check directly in the ABTC App on his or her mobile device.

The economies analyze priority applications more quickly, but this does not mean that they will be accepted. For them, the general approval rule is also applicable.

Remember that you can apply for your ABTC for 5 economies

Now you can get your APEC Card in less time by requesting fast approval for five economies of your interest. If you require more information, you can read the instructions on the Application Form.

Yes, as long as you have previously informed the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones of the change of passport since the new travel document must be informed and registered by the other APEC economies.

In addition, it is convenient to apply for the APEC card, with a valid and recently renewed passport.

APEC cardholders can only use the exclusive lanes with one family member and no more. This standard is reported to the International Police (PDI's division) through an oficio (administrative act).

  • Must have a valid passport.
  • Must have a virtual card with the approval of the economy you are entering.
  • Must inform a change of passport.
  • Must apply for a card and its renewal 6 months in advance.

Temporary entry chapters in Free Trade Agreements

Within the framework of the Treaties and Free Trade Agreements (FTA) signed by Chile, the following are the chapters for temporary entry of business people, which enable them to apply for a residence permit in our country.

FTA signed in 2008. Read specific information on temporary entry of business persons in Chapter 13 of the treaty.

The agreement entered into force on January 25, 2022. Read specific information on temporary entry in Chapter 7 of the agreement.

FTA with Application for Residence Permit Procedures.

Agreement that includes specific information on temporary entry of business persons in Chapter 14.

Agreement signed in November 2006. Read specific information on temporary entry in Chapter 11.

Tratado con información específica sobre entrada temporal en Capítulo 13.

Treaty that entered into force on January 1, 2004, which includes specific information in Chapter XIV – “Entrada Temporal de Personas de Negocios”.

Agreement that includes specific information on temporary entry of business persons in Chapter 13.

Agreement that includes specific information on temporary entry of business persons in Chapter 13.

Other agreements

These agreements facilitate the transit through Chile of people from Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, and Brazil. The conditions and requirements for each country are set out in the following document:

In addition, Decree No. 279 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in force, which enacts with the Republic of Peru, the "Acuerdo para el Ingreso y Tránsito de Nacionales Chilenos y Peruanos en Calidad de Turistas con Documento de Identidad" (Agreement for the entry and transit of Chilean and Peruvian nationals as tourists with an identity document).

The purpose of signing these agreements is that the citizens of the States Parties may benefit from the insurance periods contributed in both countries or recognized by them, thus maintaining continuity in their pension history, which will ultimately allow them to enjoy old age, disability, and survival pensions in one or both States, provided they meet the domestic requirements of the respective pension systems.

Find more information in the Subsecretaría de Previsión Social (Chilean Social Welfare Agency).


Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: