Servicio Nacional de Migraciones informs migrant women
SERMIG has created the initiative “Apoya Mujer Migrante” to reduce the gap in foreign women’s access to information on current immigration regulations and other interest areas, bringing State institutions closer and promoting their inclusion in our present society.
Apoya Mujer Migrante Day
Workshops are aimed at all migrant women, regardless of their immigration status and period of residence in the country, who can benefit from information shared by the initiative. However, it should be noted that workshops are conducted in Spanish. The initiative manages and leads workshops with speakers from partner institutions on the following topics:
- Migration Management, by the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones.
- Violence against women and access to programs, by the Servicio Nacional de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género.
- Labor Rights, by the Dirección del Trabajo.
- Access to health care for women, children and adolescents, by the Ministry of Health, MINSAL.
- Access to Education, by the Ministry of Education.
Point of contact at SERMIG
To learn more about the initiative and the workshops,
please send us an email and we will contact you.
Si te interesa saber más sobre la iniciativa y los talleres, envíanos un correo electrónico y nos comunicaremos contigo.
Residencia Temporal permit for humanitarian reasons
Decree No. 177 of 2022 of the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, which establishes the migratory subcategories of Residencia Temporal, states in its eighth paragraph the humanitarian reasons that will be considered to grant a residence permit in Chile. Among these reasons are domestic or gender violence and a special permit for pregnant foreign women.
What should I do to apply for Residencia Temporal in such cases?
The first thing to do is to review the requirements of the humanitarian reasons subcategory.
SERMIG's Unidad de Género
The Servicio Nacional de Migraciones has assumed the responsibility and commitment to apply gender mainstreaming in its work and the initiatives it promotes.
As a public institution, it is essential to comply with the international commitments ratified by Chile in the area of gender equality. Also, it is vital to enforce the current migration legislation and implement the National Migration Policy, fostering the integration and inclusion of the foreign population in Chile, regardless of nationality, social origin or gender.
To ensure a permanent and institutionalized gender mainstreaming approach, the Unidad de Género was created under Subdirección Nacional of SERMIG, and its objectives are as follows:

Coordinating the gender-related work within SERMIG, guiding and giving coherence to the institutional work from a gender perspective, as well as giving indications and instructions in the implementation and design of policies, plans and programs.

Encouraging equal gender relations within SERMIG and mainstreaming the gender perspective throughout the different levels of the institution to ensure substantial equality among those who work and use the services of this institution, guaranteeing non-discrimination, preventing and punishing gender-based violence, and thus ensuring a seal of equality in the management of SERMIG.

Working with other ministries and related institutions to mainstream the gender perspective at SERMIG.
Regional delegates:
In order to mainstream the gender perspective in a decentralized manner, each Dirección Regional will be represented by a gender delegate with the following responsibilities:
- Representing the Dirección Regional of SERMIG before the Roundtable on Gender.
- Ensuring the gender approach is incorporated into all SERMIG’s regional management.
- Facilitating and encouraging the Dirección Regional of SERMIG to implement promotion and training activities on the gender perspective, together with the Unidad de Género.
- Acting as a focal point in the coordination of policies, plans, regulations and measures of social co-responsibility and conciliation established from the People Management Policy and other instruments, managing, and monitoring their compliance, together with the Unidad de Género.
- Promoting instruments, regulations, and measures to prevent and address arbitrary discrimination and/or sexual and gender-based violence that may affect personnel of the Dirección Regional of SERMIG, together with the Unidad de Género.
- Serving as counterpart of the Dirección Regional of SERMIG in all regional inter-sectoral instances on gender equity issues, especially in the Regional Gender Agenda led by each SEREMI de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género.