Humanitarian reasons


What is the permit for humanitarian reasons?

Personas migrantes en situación de vulnerabilidad

In Chile, the Residencia Temporal permit for humanitarian reasons is a permit that may be granted to those foreigners who are victims of some kind of violence or are vulnerable, among other reasons.

This permit is subclassified into 5 types of cases, each with different requirements and procedures, as detailed below.

  1. Children and adolescents.
  2. Pregnants.
  3. Human trafficking.
  4. Smuggling of migrant persons.
  5. Victims of domestic or gender-based violence.

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Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: