Dependent status


To whom is this Residencia Temporal permit directed?

Familia de migrantes

Those foreigners who have a family bond or cohabitation relationship with a person who has already obtained or is applying for such permit as a holder of any subcategory, at the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG), may apply for a Residencia Temporal permit as a dependent.

Residence permits obtained as a dependent will be subject to the validity of the holder’s residence permit.

Where can I apply for this Residencia Temporal permit?

In the same way as the application made by the holder of Residencia Temporal, the application as a dependent must be made online from abroad, except in the following exceptional cases:


You can apply for a Residencia Temporal permit as a dependent if you can prove the respective relationship with the holder in any of the situations included in Article 74 of Law No. 21.325 of Migración y Extranjería, in its numerals 1 and 2. The documentation required for each case is the following:

  1. Identification Document.
  2. Criminal record certificate duly apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
  3. Recent photo:
    • In color, with a white background.
    • Looking directly at the camera, covering the entire face, with a neutral expression and open eyes.
    • Do not wear accessories such as glasses or a hat.
    • It must be taken on a current date, as close as possible to the time of application.
    • Upload to the platform in JPG or PNG format.
  4. Marriage Certificate or document certifying cohabitation. If the bond was contracted abroad, the document must be apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. Affidavit issued by the spouse or civil partner at a notary public, stating that they will assume the costs derived from their residence in the country.
  6. Certify that your spouse has sufficient financial resources to cover living expenses according to the indicators estimated by the Ministry of Social Development and Family.
  1. Identification Document.
  2. Birth Certificate duly apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
  3. Recent photo:
    • In color, with a white background.
    • Looking directly at the camera, covering the entire face, with a neutral expression and open eyes.
    • Do not wear accessories such as glasses or a hat.
    • It must be taken on a current date, as close as possible to the time of application.
    • Upload to the platform in JPG or PNG format.
  4. Declaración Jurada de cuidados (Custody of Children Affidavit) issued at a notary by the parent of the child or adolescent.
  5. Marriage Certificate or document that certifies cohabitation between the holder and the father or mother of the child or adolescent. If the family bond was contracted abroad, the document must be apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (only in case the holder is the civil partner or spouse of the applicant's mother or father).
  1. Identification Document.
  2. Birth Certificate duly apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. Recent photo:
    • In color, with a white background.
    • Looking directly at the camera, covering the entire face, with a neutral expression and open eyes.
    • Do not wear accessories such as glasses or a hat.
    • It must be taken on a current date, as close as possible to the time of application.
    • Upload to the platform in JPG or PNG format.
  4. Criminal Record Certificate corresponding to your country of origin, apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile (only if the applicant is older than 18 years old).
  5. Affidavit issued by the holder at the notary, in which the holder assumes the costs derived from his residence in the country.
  6. Certify that the holder has sufficient economic resources to cover living expenses in accordance with the parameters estimated by the Ministry of Social Development and Family.
  7. Marriage Certificate or document that certifies cohabitation between the holder and the father or mother of the child or adolescent. If the family bond was contracted abroad, the document must be apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (only in case the holder is the civil partner or spouse of the applicant's mother or father).
  8. Application within Chile:
    - Certificate of Registration in the National Disability Registry (RND) issued by the Registro Civil.

    Application abroad:
    - Certificate issued by the competent official institution of the country of origin, duly legalized or apostilled, as appropriate.

  1. Identification Document.
  2. Birth Certificate duly apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  3. Criminal Record Certificate corresponding to your country of origin, apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  4. Recent photo:
    • In color, with a white background.
    • Looking directly at the camera, covering the entire face, with a neutral expression and open eyes.
    • Do not wear accessories such as glasses or a hat.
    • It must be taken on a current date, as close as possible to the time of application.
    • Upload to the platform in JPG or PNG format.
  5. Affidavit issued by the holder at the notary, in which the holder assumes the costs derived from their residence in the country.
  6. Certify that the holder has sufficient economic resources to cover living expenses in accordance with the parameters estimated by the Ministry of Social Development and Family.
  7. Marriage Certificate or document that certifies cohabitation between the holder and the parent of the child or adolescent. If the family bond was contracted abroad, the document must be apostilled or legalized by the Chilean Consulate and the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (only in case the holder is the civil partner or spouse of the applicant's mother or father).
  8. Certificado de Alumno Regular (Regular student certificate) or Certificado de Matrícula (Certificate of enrollment), in which it is stated that the applicant is studying in an educational establishment recognized by the Chilean State.


  • Documents issued in any language other than Spanish and English must be submitted together with their respective translation, which must be authorized by a certified body.
  • All documents issued abroad or by the respective consular representation in Chile must be apostilled or duly legalized, as stipulated in Articles 345 and 345 bis of the Code of Civil Procedure.
  • Documents issued by private parties must be submitted within 30 days from the date of issuance.
  • Those issued by public institutions and agencies must be presented within 60 days from the date of issuance unless the validity of the document is expressly stated.

General information

Yes, you can apply for a Residencia Temporal permit as a holder, as long as you meet the requirements for the immigration subcategory in question.

Yes, you can apply for a Residencia Definitiva permit without being subject to the terms established in Article 65 of the Regulation of Law No.21.325 of Migración y Extranjería, as long as the holder has complied with the required period of residence according to their immigration subcategory and their permit is one of those that expressly admits their application for Residencia Definitiva permit.

However, dependents who have permits derived from the following subcategories are NOT eligible to apply for a Residencia Definitiva permit:

  • Trabajadores de temporada (seasonal workers);
  • Extranjeros sujetos a la custodia de Gendarmería de Chile (foreigners subject to the custody of Gendarmería de Chile - Chilean Bureau of Prisons);
  • Extranjeros que se encuentren en Chile por orden de Tribunales de Justicia nacionales (foreigners who are in Chile by order of Chilean National Courts of Justice), and
  • Extranjeros que se encuentren bajo tratamientos médicos (foreigners undergoing medical treatment).

If you have a Residencia Temporal permit as a dependent, you will be allowed to engage in lawful remunerated activities, regardless of the application of the general rules regarding the work of minors.

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Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: