Glossary of Terms

This glossary includes definitions for commonly used terms pertaining to the field of migration, which will help you gain a better understanding of the contents published by the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG)

  • Acreditar sustento económico. Read "Proof of livelihood".
  • Actualizar datos de contacto (Update of contact data). Way to modify contact information by logging in with ClaveÚnica or login account from the SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales.
  • AFC. Acronym for Administradora de Fondos de Cesantía. Private corporation, whose sole and exclusive purpose is to manage the funds called "Fondo de Cesantía" and "Fondo de Cesantía Solidario", and to grant and manage the benefits established by Law No. 19.728 on Unemployment Insurance.
  • AFP. Acronym for Administradora de Fondos de Pensión. Entities under private law whose purpose is to manage the funds and savings of individuals through a system of individual capitalization of old age, survival and disability pensions.
  • Amonestación. Read "Written warning".
  • Amparo. Read "Habeas corpus".
  • Ampliación de Certificado de Residencia Definitiva en Trámite (Extension). Application of a foreigner to extend the validity of the document that certifies that they have a Residencia Definitiva permit in process.
  • Antecedentes penales. Read "Criminal record".
  • APEC. Acronym for Asia-Pacific Economic Forum. It was established in 1989 and aims to create greater prosperity for the people of the region.
  • Apostille. Single certification, effective in Chile since August 2016, applicable to public or private documents that possess official certification, issued in a member country of the Apostille Convention, to be used in another member country.
  • Arbitrary discrimination. It is any distinction, exclusion or restriction that lacks reasonable justification, made by agents of the State or private individuals, and that causes deprivation, disturbance or threat in the legitimate exercise of fundamental rights established in the Political Constitution of the Republic or in international treaties on human rights ratified by Chile and in force, particularly when based on grounds such as race or ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, ideology or political opinion, religion or belief, union membership or participation in trade organizations or lack thereof, sex, maternity, breastfeeding, breastfeeding, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, age, affiliation, personal appearance, and illness or disability.
  • Arraigo. Read "Orden de arraigo".
  • Autoconsulta (self-consultation). Possibility for users to independently inquire about the information available in SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales, including the progress of the procedures they have requested from the immigration authority.
  • Autodenuncia (self-denunciation). Voluntary declaration made by foreigners of legal age, who have entered Chile through an unauthorized crossing point or by evading immigration control, to officials of the Policía de Investigaciones (PDI), to account for their immigration status and their stay in the national territory.
  • Autorización de trabajo con permiso de Residencia Temporal en trámite. License that allows a foreign person to carry out lawful remunerated activities in the national territory, during the processing of the residence permit. This consent, established by law, will remain in force until the resolution of the application.
  • Autorización de Trabajo para titulares de Permanencia Transitoria (Work Authorization for Permanencia Transitoria holders). License issued by the immigration authority that allows a foreigner to engage in paid activities in the national territory, as long as they have that status. It has a duration of thirty days, extendable until the end of the Permanencia Transitoria permit. It must be requested through SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales.
  • Avecindamiento. Refers to foreigners who have resided for more than five years in the country and who meet the requirements set forth in the first paragraph of Article 13 of the Constitución Política de la República (Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile), who may exercise the right to vote in the cases and forms determined by law.
  • Best interests of the child. Guiding principle that underlies our legal system and translates into all those matters that involve Children and Adolescents must be oriented to their welfare and the full exercise of their rights.
  • Border. Geopolitically defined border between States with respect to territorial, maritime and aerial space, which allows for governance measures to be adopted within it.
  • Border Area. Territory contiguous to the national border, defined as such by a bilateral agreement signed with the countries that share a border with Chile.
  • Border area inhabitant. Those citizens, residents or permanent residents, of States bordering Chile and who reside in areas bordering the national border.
  • Cálculo de Multa (Fine calculation). Procedure performed by the foreigner through SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales, by means of which the amount to be paid for the infraction committed is estimated, all with the purpose of regularizing their immigration status.
  • Cambio de calidad o subcategoría de Residencia Temporal (Change of subcategory or status of Residencia Temporal permit, or Visa). Procedure conducted by temporary residents with the purpose of modifying or substituting the Residencia Temporal permit they have, for a different one in terms of status and/or condition.
  • Carta certificada. Legal notification to foreigners residing in Chile, by virtue of which they are informed that a resolution involving them has been adopted, which is sent to the address given by the interested party.
  • Carta de Nacionalización. Means of acquiring the Chilean citizenship by virtue of the provisions of the Constitución Política de La República, which is materialized in an Exempt Decree signed by the Minister of the Interior by order of the President of the Republic.
  • Cartagena Declaration on Refugees. Document adopted by the "Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama: Legal and Humanitarian Problems", held in Cartagena, Colombia, November 19-22, 1984, which established criteria for the analysis and consideration of refugee matters.
  • Caso social. A foreigner who has provided proof of their situation of vulnerability in order to request technical support or a benefit from a public or private institution.
  • Cédula de identidad: Official document issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (Civil Registry and Identification Service) that certifies the identity of a person in Chile, and provides relevant data of the holder.
  • Cedulación. Procedure for obtaining an identity card required for all foreigners over 18 years of age residing in the country who have a valid residence permit.
  • Certificado de Avecindamiento. Document issued by the corresponding authority that certifies that a foreigner is residing in the national territory, by virtue of which the registration in the electoral roll is allowed, which will let them exercise their right to vote in accordance with the law. At present, this procedure is conducted internally between the concerned institutions.
  • Certificado de registro de Residencia Temporal (o Visa). Document issued by the Policía de Investigaciones de Chile that shows that the first Residencia Temporal has been registered, which should have been granted prior to February 12, 2022.
  • Certificado de vigencia laboral. Notarized document certifying that an employment contract remains in force.
  • Child of a transient foreigner. Person born in Chile, whose foreign parents were tourists and/or crew members at the date of birth.
  • Chilean Citizenship. Procedure for the acquisition of Chilean citizenship in compliance with the law.
  • ChileAtiende (ChA). State multiservice network with various channels of attention and guidance, which seeks to bring the benefits and services of public institutions closer to the people.
  • Civil Partnership. A contract entered into between two persons who live together, with the purpose of regulating the legal effects derived from a shared affective life of stable and permanent character. The contracting parties will be called civil partners and will be considered relatives for the effects provided for in Article 42 of the Código Civil (Civil Code).
  • Civil status. Status of an individual, insofar as it enables them to exercise certain civil rights or contract certain civil obligations.
  • Clandestino, ingreso (clandestine entry). Read "Illegal entry".
  • ClaveÚnica. Personal and non-transferable password, issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (Civil Registry and Identification Service), which allows you to complete online procedures with it and other government portals.
  • Comprobante de solicitud. Automatic document generated when submitting a residence applyment in SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales, which certifies that the application was made.
  • Comprobante de Solicitud de Residencia Definitiva en trámite. Document issued at the time of applying for Residencia Definitiva, which certifies the regular status of the user waiting to be admitted for processing. The extension of the document can be requested in the SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales.
  • Compromiso Migrante. Annual distinction awarded by the State, through SERMIG in conjunction with the Dirección del Trabajo and sponsored by the IOM and the ILO, which seeks to create spaces within institutions, companies and/or unions that promote inclusion, intercultural awareness and non-discrimination, both in their internal management and in their relationship with their environment.
  • Constancia de pérdida de documentos para extranjeros en Chile. A document issued by the Policía de Investigaciones (PDI) or Carabineros de Chile that is given to foreign residents or tourists who have lost their personal documentation (passport or identity card). The person must complete the procedure on the PDI.
  • Consulate. Representative of the public administration of the government of a country in the territory of another country, whose main purpose is to assist and protect its nationals residing in the country in which it is located.
  • Consulta Estado de Beneficio Migratorio. This procedure is completed through SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales and allows you to check the status of a Residencia Temporal permit application.
  • Contract. Agreement between the parties, in which they reciprocally bind themselves to comply with certain mutually assumed provisions. Each party may comprise one or many parties.
  • Contraloría. Read “The Comptroller”.
  • Country Original Information. Also commonly identified by its initials COI. General information about a specific human rights situation in a country of origin.
  • Cónyuge. Read "Spouse".
  • Cotizaciones AFP. Read “Retirement fund payments”.
  • Criminal record. Register of convictions for crimes, simple offenses and misdemeanors of a person, kept by the authority that the legislation of each country has established or designates as responsible.
  • Criminal record certificate. A public document that certifies or reports whether a particular person has a criminal record.
  • Declaración jurada de expensas. Notarized document by which it can be certified that a third party assumes the living expenses of a foreigner in Chile.
  • Declaración Voluntaria por Ingreso Clandestino. Read "Autodenuncia".
  • Denuncia. The act of informing the corresponding authority of a fact that falls within its competence, so that it may investigate and/or adopt the necessary measures for its clarification and/or impose the corresponding legal sanctions.
  • Dependent status. Possibility for a foreigner to apply for a residence permit due to their kinship or domestic partnership with a person on whom they are economically dependent. Residence permits obtained as dependents are subject to the validity of the holder's residence permit.
  • Download of Estampado Electrónico (EE) . Procedure done through the SERMIG's Portal de Trámites Digitales to materialize a Residencia Temporal permit granted, which replaces the adhesive stamp that was previously used.
  • Desistimiento. Read "Withdrawal".
  • Discrimination. Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on any ground such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, class, birth or other status, which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Divorce. Judicial declaration that terminates the marriage, at the request of one or both spouses, when the grounds provided by law are met.
  • Emigrant. A person who moves from their usual place of residence or the country of their nationality to another country, so that the country of destination effectively becomes their new country of usual residence.
  • Employee. A person who provides services in exchange for a salary from the employer. Both the amount of remuneration and the rights and obligations of the parties are fixed in the employment contract.
  • Employer. A natural or legal person that uses the services of one or more persons by virtue of an employment contract.
  • Estampado Electrónico (EE). Digital document issued by the corresponding authority that materializes a Residencia Temporal permit granted to a foreign person, which must be incorporated to the passport with which the respective application was made.
  • Exclusion. A situation of marginalization or segregation in which certain groups find themselves in a society.
  • Expulsion. Measure imposed by the competent authority that consists of ordering the forced departure from the country of the foreigner who incurs in any of the causes foreseen by law.
  • Family reunification, subcategory. Read "Reunificación familiar".
  • Fee exempt. Free of immigration fees.
  • Fees. Tax payable by foreigners for obtaining an immigration benefit.
  • Filiación. Read "Parentage".
  • Fine. A monetary sanction applicable in those cases contemplated in the immigration legislation.
  • Fine calculation. Read “Cálculo de Multa”.
  • Fonasa. Acronym, Fondo Nacional de Salud. Public body in charge of providing health protection and coverage to its contributors and to all those who lack resources, together with their respective charges.
  • Fondo de pensiones. Read "Retirement fund".
  • Foreigner. A person who does not have the nationality of the State in which they are located.
  • Fuero maternal. Read "Maternity Leave".
  • Habeas corpus. Also known as "Recurso de amparo". Constitutional action that any person may file before the superior courts, in order to request that they adopt the measures they deem necessary to reestablish the rule of law and ensure the due protection of the affected person, annulling or modifying any arbitrary or illegal action or omission that involves the deprivation or threat to personal liberty and individual security, without limitations and regardless of the origin of such offenses.
  • Human trafficking. The crime of recruiting, transferring, hosting or receiving a person by means of violence or fraud for the purpose of sexual exploitation - including prostitution and forced pornography -, forced labor or services, servitude, slavery or slavery-like practices, or the removal of organs.
  • Illegal entry. Refers to foreigners who enter or attempt to leave the country through unauthorized places or using forged, falsified or adulterated documents or documents issued in the name of another person.
  • Immigrant worker. Any person who will engage in, engages in, or has engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which they are not a national.
  • Immigration authority. Institution and/or public official that exercises the expressly conferred power to perform certain functions and acts of authority in the matter.
  • Immigration category. Type of residence or stay permit in the country for which foreigners are eligible, as defined by law.
  • Immigration policy. A group of statements by a government of what it expects to do or not to do, including laws, regulations, decisions or orders, with respect to the selection, admission, residence and deportation of foreign nationals residing in the country.
  • Immigration regulations. A number of provisions that regulate or manage migration.
  • Internal displacement. Forced movement of people within their own country, for various reasons and/or motives, while remaining under the protection of their own government.
  • International agreement. The commitment reached by two or more subjects of international law (States or International Organizations), through a process of concertation or convention, which is called upon to produce its effects in the international sphere.
  • International migrant population. A group of persons who have changed their country of habitual residence, i.e., persons who have spent at least one year of their life in a country other than the one in which they currently reside.
  • IOM. Initials, International Organization for Migration. An institution that is part of the United Nations system and works with governments and civil society to promote understanding of migration issues, encourage socioeconomic development through migration, and ensure the human dignity and well-being of migrants.
  • IPS. Initials, Instituto de Previsión Social. Decentralized public service, with legal personality and its own assets, which contributes to the social protection of persons at the expense of the State, administering the system of solidarity pensions, pay as you go pension systems, reparation laws and other special laws, as well as paying social benefits mandated by law and/or agreed by collaboration agreements.
  • Irregular immigration status. Situation in which a foreigner can be found in the country with no valid permit to stay.
  • Isapre. Acronym, Institución de Salud Previsional. Health Institution of the private health insurance system.
  • ISL. Initials, Instituto de Seguridad Laboral. Public entity in charge of administering the Social Security for Occupational Accident Risks and Occupational Diseases.
  • Judicialize (court ruling). Action by individuals to get access to the courts of justice to defend their rights.
  • Legalization. Validation of a document issued abroad to be presented in Chile.
  • Maternity leave. A group of privileges enjoyed by the working woman, from the beginning of pregnancy and up to one year and 84 days from the date of delivery, unless there is a supplementary postnatal leave. Read more information about the "fuero" (legal protection for pregnant women) on the website of the Dirección del Trabajo.
  • Mediation. A system of conflict resolution in which an impartial third party, without decision-making power, called a mediator, helps the parties to find a solution and its effects on their own.
  • Migrant. A person who moves or has moved across an international border, outside their usual place of residence, regardless of their legal status, the voluntary or involuntary nature of the movement, the causes of the movement or the duration of their stay.
  • Migration. Movement of persons outside their usual place of residence, either across an international border or within a country.
  • Migration flow. Displacement of people arriving or leaving a country in a specific period of time.
  • Ministry of Interior and Public Safety. State administration body in charge of proposing to the President of the Republic the norms and actions on internal policies aimed at maintaining public order, security and social peace.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (also known as its acronym, Minrel). The State administration body in charge of planning, directing, coordinating, executing and disseminating the foreign policy formulated by the Presidency of the Republic.
  • Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage (also known as its acronym, Mincap). A technical Office of the Chilean State with legal, administrative and financial competencies in the arts, culture and heritage sector.
  • Municipality. Public-law independent corporations, with legal personality and their own assets, whose purpose is to address the requirements of the local community and to ensure its participation in the economic, social and cultural progress of the respective communes.
  • Nacionalización. Read "Chilean Citizenship".
  • National Identity Card (DNI). A public, official, personal and non-transferable document, issued by the competent authority of the country that issues it, which provides proof of the holder's identity and contains his or her personal data. In Chile, the DNI is colloquially known as "Cédula de Identidad" and is issued by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (Civil Registry and Identification Service).
  • "No acoge". Notification by which the administrative authority of SERMIG informs that the application was not admitted for processing because it did not comply with the formal requirements for its presentation.
  • Non-discrimination. Principle that imposes on States the obligation to not exclude a person arbitrarily.
  • Official Residence. Read "Residencia Oficial".
  • Officials residents. Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps accredited to the Government and those of international organizations recognized by Chile, to whom diplomatic or official Visas will be granted.

  • ORASMI. Initials, Fondo de Organización Regional de Acción Social. Annual amount of money approved by the Ley de Presupuesto (Budget Law) for the public sector, destined to Chilean and foreign individuals with a Cédula de Identidad Nacional (Chilean ID), who are in a situation or condition of vulnerability, which prevents them from generating resources to overcome the situation that affects them.

  • Orden de abandono (Return decision). Administrative sanction dictated by the corresponding authority, which consists of ordering the voluntary departure of a foreign person from the national territory within the period indicated in the resolution that contains it.

  • Orden de arraigo (Travel ban). A measure issued by a judge when necessary for the success of an investigation, for the protection of persons or legal assets, or when there is a well-founded risk that the accused person will evade justice.
  • Orden de giro (Money order). Document that indicates the amount of the fee to be paid, in order to materialize a granted benefit or as part of the requirements to apply for it.

  • Paid activity. Any activity that implies generating income under the terms of number 1 of Article 2 of Decree Law No. 824 of 1974, of the Ministry of Finance, which establishes the Law of Impuesto a la Renta (Income Tax Law).
  • Parentage. Legal concept that refers to the relationship of descent that exists between two persons, one of whom is the parent of the other.
  • Passport. Document issued by the competent authority of a State, valid for international travel, which identifies the bearer as a national of the issuing State and serves as proof of their right to return to that State.
  • Payment of fees. Obligation of foreigners applying for residence permits or authorizations to pay the corresponding fee at the time the applied permit or authorization is granted. More information in immigration fees.
  • Period of stay. Period of time that a foreign person is authorized to remain in the national territory.
  • Permanencia Transitoria. A permit granted by the State to foreigners who enter the country with no intention of residing there, which authorizes them to remain in the national territory for a limited period of time.
  • Permiso de residencia. Read "Residence permit".
  • Permiso de trabajo. Read "Autorización de trabajo".
  • Political assylum. Protection granted to foreigners who, in order to protect their personal safety and due to the political circumstances prevailing in their country of residence, are forced to resort to a Chilean diplomatic mission or enter the national territory upon request, even in an irregular immigration condition.
  • Portal de Ayuda Migraciones. Platform that contains information related to SERMIG procedures, such as step-by-step tutorials or frequently asked questions, and allows queries regarding difficulties encountered in the processing of immigration benefits.
  • Portal de Trámites Digitales. On-line platform of the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones for the purpose of making applications for immigration procedures.
  • Proof of livelihood. Evidence of how foreigners will support themselves financially while their residence is being processed, as well as once it has been granted.
  • Prórroga consular. Article 69 of the Regulation of the Law No. 21.325 of Migración y Extranjería. Procedure to extend the absence of a foreign person, holder of a Residencia Definitiva permit from the national territory, who for reasons of study, illness or other justified cause, cannot return to Chile within a period of 2 years, and must apply for it before the Chilean consul of the country where they are located. It can only be granted once and will be valid for a period of two years.
  • Prórroga de Permanencia Transitoria (Extension). A discretionary authorization granted on a one-time basis to foreigners to reside in Chile for an additional period of up to 90 days.
  • Prórroga de Residencia Temporal (Extension). A discretionary authorization granted to those who do not meet the legal and regulatory requirements to apply for Residencia Definitiva or do not wish to do so, and instead choose to extend their residence for only one more year through the same Residencia Temporal permit.
  • Protocolo de caso social. It is the procedure through which a sponsoring institution may submit an application to SERMIG to expedite the reception of an application and/or the resolution of residence permits or work authorizations for foreigners who are in a situation of social vulnerability, due to their immigration status.
  • Reconducción. The obligation of companies, enterprises or agencies owning, representing, operating or consigning international transportation means to take charge of and transport at their own expense, within twenty-four hours and without responsibility for the State, persons whose entry is refused because they lack the necessary documentation to enter the country.
  • Rectification. Amendment of a formal or substantive error in an administrative act.
  • Reembarco, Reconducción o devolución inmediata (Immediate repatriation). Return to their country of origin or country of provenance as soon as possible and without the need for a new resolution to be issued for foreigners who enter the country while the resolution ordering their expulsion, abandonment or prohibition of entry into the national territory is in force.
  • Refugee. A status granted to foreigners who have a justified fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion and who are outside the country of their citizenship and are unable or unwilling to be under the protection of that country due to such fear, in accordance with the international treaties in force and ratified by Chile.
  • Registro Civil e Identificación. Initials SRCel, a public service in charge of overseeing the legal constitution of the family whose main objective is to register the acts and vital facts that determine the civil status of persons and their identification.
  • Registro Nacional de Extranjeros. Initials, RNE. Database administered by SERMIG in which the information of foreigners in the country is registered in accordance with the provisions of the immigration legislation.
  • Regular migration. Movement of persons which occurs in accordance with the laws of the country of origin, transit and destination.
  • Regulation. A group of provisions that establishes the particular aspects for the enforcement or execution of the law.
  • Resettlement. It consists of the transfer of refugees from a host country to another State that has agreed to receive them and ultimately grant them a Residencia Definitiva permit.
  • Residence permit. A document issued by the competent authorities of a State to a foreigner certifying that they have the right to reside in the State in question during the period of validity of the permit.
  • Residencia Definitiva. A permit to reside indefinitely in Chile, which authorizes persons to engage in any lawful activity, with no other limitations than those established by the legal and regulatory provisions.
  • Residencia Oficial. Permit granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to foreign persons on official missions recognized by Chile and their dependents.
  • Residencia Temporal. Permit granted by SERMIG to foreigners who intend to reside in Chile for a limited period of time.
  • Residencia Temporal Student permit (or Visa). Subcategory of Residencia Temporal granted to those persons who travel to Chile for the purpose of studying as a regular student, in state or private educational institutions recognized by the State.
  • Resident: Foreign person beneficiary of a Residencia Temporal, Oficial or Definitiva permit.
  • Retirement fund. Amount of money obtained from the payment of social security contributions, which is accumulated in the accounts of the affiliates, managed and invested by the AFPs to obtain profitability, and whose objective is to finance the future pension.
  • Retirement fund payments. Mandatory payments that must be made by all members of the Sistema Previsional de Pensiones to an AFP, which are equivalent to a percentage of their salaries or taxable income, in order to accumulate funds for their old age.
  • Reunificación familiar (Family reunification): The right of foreign persons to enter and reside in the country in which their family members legally reside or of which they are citizens, in order to preserve family unity.
  • RUN. Initials, Rol Único Nacional. Unique and unrepeatable identification number assigned by the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación to all Chileans residing or not in Chile and to foreigners residing in the country.
  • RUT. Initials, Rol Único Tributario. Unique and unrepeatable identification number that is given to legal persons (companies, organizations, etc.) that have applied for the initiation of economic activities, which is assigned by the Servicio de Impuestos Internos (Internal Revenue Service).
  • Sello Migrante. Biannual accreditation granted by the State of Chile, through SERMIG in coordination with the Dirección del Trabajo and sponsored by the IOM and the ILO, to municipalities that are part of the program and develop plans, actions and programs aimed at inclusion, non-discrimination and interculturalism of the migrant population.

  • Social vulnerability. Set of limitations or disadvantages that people encounter when accessing basic rights and services.

  • Solicitud de más antecedentes (Request for more documents). Application for additional information when the original documentation does not meet the requirements, granting a period of 60 days to solve it and, if it does not do so, the application may be rejected, according to the provisions in the Article 88 of the Law No. 21.325 of Migración y Extranjería.

  • Spouse. The name given to persons who are united by the marriage bond.

  • Stateless person. Any person who is not considered a national by any State, according to its legislation.

  • Student, subcategory. Read "Residencia Temporal Student permit".
  • The Comptroller. A public body, autonomous and independent of all ministries, authorities and offices of the State, provided for in the Constitución Política de la República, whose purpose is to oversee the proper receipt and investment of the funds of the treasury, municipalities, public welfare, and other services determined by law.
  • The Hague Convention. International treaty in which the signatory States agree to protect cultural property in the event of armed conflict, respecting the cultural heritage of the nation or nations in conflict. The Convention has a Regulation and a Protocol for its implementation.
  • Transient foreigner. A foreigner who is passing through the national territory and has no intention of settling in it.
  • Trata de personas. Read “Human trafficking”.
  • Travel ban. Read "Orden de arraigo".
  • Travel document. Passports, identity cards, salvoconductos (laissez-passer) or other similar identity documents, valid and in force, which may be used by the holder for international travel.
  • UNHCR. Acronym for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
  • Unión Civil. Read “Civil Partnership”.
  • Update of contact data. Read "Actualización de datos de contacto".
  • Visa. An outdated term that refers to the materialization of an authorization that grants entry and a Permanencia Transitoria or Residencia Temporal permit in Chile to citizens of countries determined by the State.
  • Withdrawal. A form of terminating a procedure, by which the applicant expresses their willingness to drop their claim, but without waiving the right on which it is based, so that they can still make or submit the same application or action later on.
  • Written warning. Sanction consisting of a written warning to a foreign person for minor infractions of the immigration legislation, in those cases contemplated in the law.
  • Work permit. Read "Autorización de trabajo".

Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

If your account was validated, select the regional office
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* Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: