Option to citizenship

Who can apply for Chilean citizenship?

The children of foreign parents who are in Chile in the service of their government, or the children of temporary foreigners, may opt for Chilean citizenship as indicated in Article 10 of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile.

Procedure to obtain citizenship

To opt for Chilean citizenship, you must apply through a declaration of Opción a la nacionalidad chilena (Option to Chilean citizenship) within the period of one year, counted from the date on which you have reached 18 years of age. This application must be submitted to the Servicio Nacional de Migraciones (SERMIG), or to the Chilean consul or diplomatic agent abroad, in the place where you reside. In any of the situations described above, you must pay the corresponding fees.

Once the authority has determined that you meet the requirements, the SERMIG or the corresponding Consulate, if you are outside the country, will inform that you must go to the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación (SRCel) to obtain your Cédula de Identidad (Chilean ID), and passport as a Chilean.

Where can I apply?

Bring your application to the Oficina de Partes of SERMIG, San Antonio 580, Santiago.

Submit an application at the Chilean Consulate closest to you.


  1. Letter addressed to the Director Nacional of SERMIG, applying for the option to obtain Chilean citizenship.

  2. Birth certificate of the applicant or partida de nacimiento, which contains the expression “Hijo de Extranjero Transeúnte” (Child of a foreigner not residing in Chile) or "Hijo de extranjero que se encuentran en Chile al servicio de su gobierno” (Child of a foreigner who is in Chile at the service of his or her government).

  3. Copy of Cédula de Identidad (Chilean ID), if applicable.


Schedule an appointment!

To schedule, log in with your username and password from the SERMIG’s Portal de Trámites Digitales. If you don’t have one, you can create it.

Remember that booking for in-person care is completely free of charge, and you can only schedule one appointment at a time!

¿Qué información buscas?


  • Si necesitas tu Resolución Exenta, documento oficial que acredita tu residencia temporal o definitiva, revisa cómo encontrarla y descárgala en nuestro portal. Te guiamos paso a paso.
  • Si necesitas otro tipo de información, ingresa tu solicitud en el formulario: